It’s Monday, I’m planning ahead for 2024

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Declutter & Simplify | 0 comments


The sun is peaking through and the first signs that spring is emerging are appearing across social media.  It hasn’t stopped some putting coats on, jackets on or a warm snuggly jumper and bracing themselves to venture out into nature over the winter months. Needing just enough breeze to feel positive and revitalised, beautifully countered by the warmth of returning home to cosy blankets, socks and warming cups of tea or hot chocolate brimming with cream and maybe a touch of baileys!  We know the sun will shine and in no time it will be April, when we bring our Motorhome back to Hungary for the season.  This soon becomes May, with a hint of love and lots of laughter as we welcome our first guests through the gates.  With this of a hint of summer we are thinking ahead.

What’s our plan for this year?  We have continued to evolve every year based on three factors: bumps in the road, oversights and feedback from the previous year and natural evolution as we grow in ourselves.  We are both excited for 2024 and really looking forward to sharing more of our lifestyle changes and ways to Rewild Your Life.

We’ve been doing a lot of research and reading over the winter months to continue our journey and establish our niche and where we ‘fit’.  We both realised that at times we risk burn out and a need to scale back to really concentrate on those things that brought us the most joy.  Being in nature is key for us, whether it’s spending the time in the garden or hollowing out an old piece of wood to make a fire and enjoy a cup of foraged tea outside.  So for 2024 this is what we are building on, being outside, more activities and programs to bring people together or guidance on ways to use nature for well-being.   Providing workshops for guests to try their hand at heritage crafts such at spoon carving, using herbs, honey tasting, using edible flowers, which naturally moves into our wild kitchen and the Village Guest table events.  All this will take planning, we know and we also need the space to create, so we have made the decision to keep the campsite open 7 days a week, but the Guesthouse, Tea Haz, Workshops and Go Wild!! Escapes  will only run from Thursday to Monday.  We are also setting up an online booking system as well as a black board onsite so guests are able to clearly see what is on offer over the weekend. 

For our own personal self-development we have armed ourselves with a couple of words for the upcoming season. Why? To enable us to keep our own boundaries and balance.  These aren’t new words but for us they represent where we want to hold ourselves, where we feel the best balancing point is for us.  The first is Hygge (which is pronounced “Hoo-Gah “) which comes from Scandinavia (reputedly the happiest people on the planet). Yes, the conditions in winter are more conducive to a hyggely state, with cold weather outside and indoors warmth helping to create that cosy feeling, but hygge is more about being contented and  mindful, creating spaces in which to just ‘be’.  Hyyge is about taking time away from the daily rush to be together with people you care about – or even by yourself – to relax and enjoy life’s quieter pleasures. The second word is Lagom (which is pronounced “lah-gum”) is a Swedish word that loosely translates to “just enough.” It’s a philosophy that encourages balance in all aspects of life and is rooted in the belief that moderation is the key to happiness. So we plan to hygge/lagom our 2024 season riding out the tidal forces of life ensuring that our guests depart with a revived sense of calm, clarity and stillness and a refreshed mindset to flourish and thrive – not just survive.

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